The actual speed a subscriber experiences may vary based on a number of factors including, but not limited to:
Variances in network usage
The capabilities and capacities of the customer’s computer and/or local area network (LAN) devices such as wireless routers
Latency (i.e., the time delay in transmitting or receiving packets as impacted in significant part by the distance between points of transmission)
The performance of the content and application providers the consumer is accessing, such as a search engine or video streaming site
Performance characteristics of transmissions over portions of the internet that are not subject to Mediacom’s control
Functionality is for comparison and research purposes only and does not constitute a binding quote. The Bandwidth Quiz is offered as a reference tool and is only an average calculation.
The actual bandwidth required for specific applications can vary
widely. Allocations are based on average consumption for common internet
functions. Specific usage may vary depending on the number of devices, device
health, consumer behavior and other unique situations within the business.
For additional product information and pricing, call 1-800-479-2070.