In a business world where everything is connected, internet security and customer protection are everything. Initiate a first line of defense against malicious threats like malware, ransomware, phishing, and botnet infections. We watch the web and work to protect your business from potential hackers. When you need to be mobile and virtual, Mediacom Business helps keep your data safe and secure, far outweighing any "what if" scenario.
FREE with Business Internet
Helps prevent accidental visits to malicious sites by employees/guests and protect connected devices.
Get rid of annoying ads and pop-ups, all while improving load times for ad-heavy sites.
Feel rest assured that Google search results are appropriate.
Easily set profile-specific time limits and block websites for workplace-safe browsing.
Connect network to an alternate internet data hotspot to keep the network up and running during an outage.
To block or allow specific websites on network or devices.
Ability to see historical network usage and performance data over time.
Ability to block popular apps per profile.
Source: Zayo Group Holdings, Inc annual Distributed
Denial of Service (DDoS) Insights Report.
Speak with our business specialist team who will assess how your business uses the internet today and how we can best serve you through solutions and special offers.
Call us now 1-800-479-2070.
You don’t have time to be the business owner and the IT department. And quite frankly, most of us don’t have the expertise to do both. Mediacom Business handles every component for you. From equipment set-up, to updating software, maintenance tasks and watching systems closely – you can focus on your business knowing you have the latest and greatest protection.
Every feature runs over our state-of-the-art broadband network and since it’s cloud-based, updates are continuous, without interruption to your business.
We know a fast, secure internet connection is essential for your daily operations. And we thank you for trusting Mediacom Business with those needs. As your business grows, so do your internet requirements. But how...